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                                                              Powerful techniques of the mind

                                                 Developed by Slobodan  B.Manic

The Mind Code is a collection of different methods that give you the ability to quickly and easily achieve your goals. But there is something more and very important. On your way to success and happiness, you can build yourself into the person you want to be.

BFL123 copy.png
Flower of Life
                                    Feel Free To Be :

                            Successful in what you do

                                          Feel Free To:
                           Attract what you want to have

                            Attract  what you want to be

                Attract everything what is on the flower of life
Through many centuries, people have been exploring what the Power of our mind can do for us. During time ways have changed.Much progress has been made  , but many truths have been lost .
Everything we want already exists.We can only discover better  and better ways to use the power of the Universe, the Nature, and the Human Mind.
Mind is bio-computer . A lot of programs was programming in our personality during growing up, education, social life and from ourselves of our own worries,personal desires, fears and so on.On this way, you can reprogram the old ,unwanted codes  , programs or release of them and  build new ones:
In fact, we do self-programming of our mind everyday.But not always according to our own will, but in our way of life, our feelings and the environment as well as the people and their influences on us.
“What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind.” – Buddha.
                                                                Now is the moment for  you to take your lives into your own hands
If you have not had a success in life so far, or  felt stuck in your life  this is the moment when you can become successful and happy.
For all those who have been successful so far, this is a moment when  can become even more successful and happier.
In addition to everything you want, the mind will guide you in a way that is healthy and safe for you. It is therefore important to recognize the information you receive while working this techniques. We are all specific to ourselves and we need to learn to read our personal signs and guidelines.How to do this is also part of this program.

Many techniques are used today.The Mind Code is one of them. My research and work on these techniques  have been over four decades. 
Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only change shape and quality. We have to put the other energy in place of one immediately because there are no empty spaces and if we don't do it there is a good chance that what we wanted to solve is back again.Extremely important information for any type of energy work.  
                                                                                        The Mind Code coming soon



















The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, SUGGEST TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. Any SERVICES obtained do not offer medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. The practitioner is not responsible for any negativity resulting from the self improvement techniques and is advising all potential clients to investigate the techniques and have a clear understanding of what they does and how they helps before deciding to go forward. The practitioner reserves the right to decline service to anyone they think will not be a good fit for self improvement techniques. The practitioner is not a doctor and do not prescribe medication nor advise that prescribed medication should be adjusted or be stopped altogether nor will I ever in any way change the diagnostic that the qualified and certified doctor gave, including but not limited to: advice, suggestion, etc.


All rights reserved on every part and aspect of the website included but not limited to: testimonials, photos, personal and contact information, any text found on the website. And cannot be copied, downloaded, reproduced or transmitted, saved/stored in any form without written permission from the practitioner. 

The Mind is so powerful.
We can Create , Experience,
and Destroy things
with thoughts
alone !
  • Failure to success
  • Psycho-physical health
  • Fears in security and safety
  • Poverty in abundance
  • Anger in calmness

  • and many other

Mind is wonderful; He can create everything we want
This is wonderful news for people who want to be happy . You can train your mind to make yourself successful in anything you do. . Your mind already has the power to heal you and it lies in your subconscious. If you truly believe that you can get better, than you will! There are many people around the world that practice ways to increase their mind power and use it for many different things
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